Private Flute Lessons
Tatiana teaches ages 7 and up. Virtual lessons are also available via Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom (Skype is preferred.) Payment for virtual lessons and in-person lessons can be conducted via check, cash (in-person only), Venmo, PayPal and Zelle. Contact me today!
Flute Studio Recital 2024

Flute Studio Recital 2023

Please contact Tatiana directly by email:
I now only teach private lessons out of my home in Muskego as well as teach at 4 colleges. Please contact me if interested in lessons.
Required materials for each lesson:
pencil, notebook, 1 (or 1/2) inch 3 ring binder, metronome, tuner, properly working flute with case and cleaning rod. Books such as technical studies, warmups, etudes and solos will be determined upon first lesson. Student (parent or guardian) will be responsible for purchase of music/pedagogical materials.
Helpful Links
Click here to purchase anything and everything flute!
The Petrucci library is a collection of public domain works. Search here to find sheet music free online to download and print before purchasing on FluteWorld.
Texas storefront (Carolyn Nussbaum) that does instrument sales, sheet music, accessories. Has a great supply!
A frequently updated blog by a flute teacher. Great tips, info, and links.
“The Virtual Flute” – a very cool website to assist you in finding alternate fingerings, multiphonic fingerings, etc.
A great place to start a search for anything flute related. Also has a chat list if you want daily conversations, etc. about the flute.
Audition information, results, and gossip
National Flute Association
Chicago Flute Club – masterclasses, competitions, etc